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A little bit about Jeffery D. Trevillion, Jr.

Trevillion’s trial skills have greatly enhanced his ability to handle many different types of controversies and government investigations such as IRS examinations, eggshell audits, U.S. Tax Court litigation, and defending the accused is state or Federal court.


Trevillion’s experience as a trial lawyer and a certified public accountant strikes a highly specialized balance between transactional work and litigation. His knowledge of accounting methods and practices give me special insight into the technical financial issues facing your organization. His willingness to try issues before a judge or jury adds significant leverage to obtain a fair result for his clients, Trevillion will always attempt to balance settlements with the hazards of trial.


Trevillion is a highly respected member of the Oklahoma legal community. He currently serves on the Oklahoma Bar Foundation’s Board of Trustees and was selected as one of 20 “Trailblazer” CPA’s in the State of Oklahoma for 2013.